Facility Masterplan Survey
The FLC Council adopted a Continuing Resolution to empanel a group of members to establish a Campus Vision Team to study the main FLC building, parsonage, and all other encompassing land and real estate on the First Lutheran Church campus to consider all possible uses and review possibilities for efficient space utilization within these buildings. The Campus Vision Team will be working with Angus Young & Associates in developing a master plan for the future of the FLC campus and has already had its first brainstorming session with AYA, but we want to hear from you! Below is a quick survey asking about what you like, dislike, and what you might like to see changed about the FLC campus in the future. Please make sure to keep your comments and ideas relevant to the First Lutheran Church campus (main church building, parsonage, senior housing, and land around these buildings) and how these assets can help FLC achieve our vision and mission – this will best help to guide the Campus Vision Team’s future meetings and the overall master plan.