Centering Prayer – Mondays

Mons from 8-8:30pm via Zoom
Centering prayer, also known as the prayer of silence, helps you quiet your mind from the constant thoughts and impulses, and frees your true self to experience more of God’s love in the very core of your being. You will gain inspiration, rich insight, and practical knowledge of a contemplative prayer practice that can open you up to deep experiences of inner healing and peace. Everyone is welcome to take part.

Login Link:
Meeting ID: 816 1696 9038
Passcode: 224107

The BG’s – Tuesdays

Tues from 8-11am in Fellowship Hall Lounge
The BG’s are a group of 6-10 (mostly retired) guys that gather every Tuesday at 8am for coffee, socializing, and to handle the many outdoor and indoor miscellaneous maintenance needs around First Lutheran. If you are interested in joining this group stop by Tuesday as we are always looking for new people to join our team!



Knitters – Tuesdays

Join us Tuesdays at 9am in the Gathering Space for smiles, laughs, and lots of knitting!



Mission Sew – 1st, 3rd & 5th Wednesdays

Help Mission Sew with cutting, sewing, tying, and pining quilts for Lutheran World Relief. These quilts are distributed to struggling neighbors across the globe. For more info contact Margaret Drinkwater, by contacting the church at 608.752.7434.


Bible Study – Wednesdays

Wednesday at 10am in Rm 302

Please join our Wednesday Bible Study as we begin a new unit using A is for Alabaster: 52 Reflections on the Stories of Scripture by Anna Carter Florence. This 2023 book received great reviews from many well-known theologians. In the coming weeks, we will be jumping into both Old Testament and New Testament stories through the 52 doors opened by this insightful author. We can be found in Room 302 almost every Wednesday morning from 10-11am.

Pickleball – Saturdays 

Come play pickleball or learn how to play on Saturdays in the gym from 10am-Noon. Questions call Jenny McMullen at 608.208.0315.




Adult Education Feb Topics

Feb 2: News from our South-Central Synod
Reverend Walter Baires
Reverend Walter Baires, our Associate to the Bishop for Generosity,  will be visiting with us this morning. Learn about the gifts of our current synod staff members and how they work together on current initiatives to serve our synod congregations.

Generation Day – Feb 2

Women’s Bible Study – Feb 2, 16, Mar 2, 16 & 30

7pm at Aubrey McMeen Home

Join us for this 7-session study with Bible teachers, authors, and friends Jackie Hill Perry, Jasmine Holmes, and Melissa Kruger to walk through the book of Ephesians, examining the invaluable truths Paul’s letter holds for us today. Childcare is available!

Contact: Aubrey McMeen, 423. 331.7245


Page Turners Book Group – Feb 4, Mar 4

The Page Turners Book Club meets at 5pm the first Tuesday of each month in the Gathering Space. All are welcome.

Feb 4: Trust by Hernan Diaz
Mar 4: The Secret Book of Flora Lea’ by Patti Calahan Henry

Contact Sally Schuenke for additional info. (608.754.0407)


Men or Iron – Feb 4, Mar 4, Apr 1, May 6

Tuesdays at 6pm, we will use The Chosen drama series and curriculum to discuss and explore the Bible in a unique way.

Open to men of all ages. We meet in the Fellowship Hall Lounge. If you have questions contact Eric at 608.290.7083 or



Luther College Nordic Choir – Feb 4

First Lutheran Church is pleased to be hosting a performance by the Luther College Nordic Choir on Tuesday, Feb 4, 2025 at 7pm. Under the direction of Dr. Andrew Last, the choir is touring in our area from their campus in the beautiful northeast Iowa town of Decorah.

Nordic Choir is one of the finest collegiate ensembles in the nation and performs a variety of music, both accompanied and acapella, with precision and emotion. The choir has been selected to perform at the National Conference of the American Choral Directors Association in March and is pleased to share their program with regional audiences before appearing at the conference in Texas.

Tickets for the Janesville concert are $15 for adults and $10 for students and can be purchased in advance here. Tickets will also be available at the door beginning 1-hour prior to the performance.


We want to thank Nowlan Law for sponsoring this event.


Eat, Play, Learn, Pray: Souper Bowl of Caring – Feb 5

Theme: Caring for Others with Compassion and Generosity

Bring a dish, or soup, to pass!

This event can be a memorable time for all ages to connect and reflect how we can make a difference in our community. The combination of sharing food, discussing Scripture, and giving back will leave everyone with a sense of purpose and a deeper understanding of how God calls us to care for others.

Red & White Dance – Feb 8

Please bring a dessert to share!

Second Harvest Food Pantry – Feb 20

Third Thurs of the Month from 3:30-5:30pm
Distribution is outdoors. Please call Mary Gallup at 608.755.1399 so she knows if she has enough help. Set-up begins at 2:30pm. 




Soup Club – Feb 23, Mar 30

Join us for a cozy, delicious time at Soup Club! The last Sunday of February and March, we meet to share homemade soups, taste new flavors, and enjoy good company.

What to bring:

  • Your favorite soup (bring enough to share!)
  • Ingredient list
  • Bowl and spoon (if you forget we have extra in the Gathering Space Kitchen)
  • A friend. Soup is better with friends.
  • Can’t bring a soup? No problem. Stay and soup anyway!


When: 10:45am on the following Sundays: February 23 & March 30
Where: Gathering Space
Why? Because who doesn’t love a good bowl of soup? Whether you’re a soup master
or a first-timer, come for the soup and stay for the soup!

Sign up in the Gathering Space, or just show up—we can’t wait to see, you and your soup, there!

Hosted by soup lovers – Arwen, Aubrey, and Renee