For Lutherans, worship stands at the center of our life of faith. Through God’s word, water, bread and prayer we are nurtured in faith and sent out into the world. Connected with and central to everything we do, worship unites us in celebration, engages us in thoughtful dialogue and helps us grow in faith. It grounds us in our Christian and Lutheran roots, while demonstrating practical relevance for today’s world. At First Lutheran Church worship is fundamentally about what God is doing and our response to God’s action. Worship is an encounter with God, who saves us through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Central to our worship life is the presence of God through word and sacrament. The word proclaimed and the sacraments —both Holy Baptism and Holy Communion — are called the means of grace. We believe that Jesus Christ is present in these means through the power of the Holy Spirit. Sometimes we describe worship as a “gathering around the means of grace.”
There is also a basic pattern for worship among Lutherans. We gather. We encounter God’s word. We share a meal at the Lord’s table. And we are sent into the world. But we do not think about worship so much in terms of what we do. Worship is fundamentally about what God is doing and our response to God’s action. Worship is an encounter with God, who saves us through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
First Lutheran offers two traditional worship services each weekend. Holy Communion is celebrated at all services.
9:15am – Sunday School
9:30am – Sanctuary
8am & 9:30am – Worship in Sanctuary
9:15am – Sunday School
Join us in-between our two worship services (beginning at approximately 9:15am) for numerous opportunities for connection, learning, and fellowship including:
Click above to join the livestream worship on YouTube on Sunday morning. The livestream begins at 9:15am with worship starting at 9:30am.
You can watch all of our worship services on our YouTube Channel.
People were bringing little children to him in order that he might touch them; and the disciples spoke sternly to them. But when Jesus saw this, he was indignant and said to them, ‘Let the little children come to me; do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs. Truly I tell you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will never enter it.’ And he took them up in his arms, laid his hands on them, and blessed them. (Mark 10:13-16, NRSV)
Worship is an important place for all of us, including children, to experience God’s grace, learn how to give thanks to God and grow in relationship with God. The ritual of worship has been a historic and primary means of passing on the faith throughout the ages. Ritual is also a primary method of learning for young children. Children and worship, therefore, go together beautifully! Worship is a place where ritual is available and welcoming, week after week, to connect us with God and a faith family. Children can find a sense of identity and belonging in the ritual of worship and are sent to use their hands and feet to share the love of Jesus with the world.
At First Lutheran Church we offer two places that are truly made for children. Our “prayground” is located in the front of the worship space (sanctuary) and is available for children and parents to sit and engage in holy play during worship. We also offer a nursery that is available to parents and children during all worship services.
When getting ready to enter the sanctuary families may stop in the Gathering Space and fill up an Activity Bag with some hands-on items and fidgets to engage your child’s hands and brain during worship.
We welcome all people at First Lutheran and strive to make your time with us as welcoming and accessible as possible. Our entire building is handicap accessible. The majority of our building including The Gathering Space, Sanctuary (Main Floor), Classrooms, and Chapel are all accessible by elevator. During worship services, if you are having a difficulty hearing in the sanctuary, you may borrow a Hearing Assist headset, found on the table by the entrance to the sanctuary. There are two types. One has headphones with the Sound Unit. The other has a Neckloop Telcoil Coupler that works with hearing aids equipped with a telephone coil (T switch). Directions are included in the bag. If you need any assistance do not hesitated to reach out to any usher or staff member.
Worship is our opportunity to gather in community to praise God. Our worship services allow for many people each week to be involved in various ways in order to provide a meaningful worship experience. Joining our Worship Volunteer ministry is a great way to serve, get connected, and meet the people of our congregation and community.
If you have questions or would like to serve in one of these positions, please call the Church office at 608.752.7434 x10, or email Nan at