Music Ministry

“…next to the Word of God, music deserves the highest praise.”
Martin Luther

Music, especially singing, has been inextricably linked to our story as God’s people. All of God’s people have sung throughout recorded history. The Israelites sang after their deliverance from Egypt. The Psalms, the Bible’s hymnbook, testify to the link of story to song: “Your love, O Lord, forever will I sing; from age to age my mouth will proclaim your faithfulness.” (Psalm 89:1). While Scripture and Christian history attest to the gifts of instruments and dancing, the human voice has remained central to our worship and celebration of God as a community!

At First Lutheran Church we are blessed with our rich music ministry including opportunities for people of all ages.

Chancel Choir

Chancel Choir is for anyone in 7th grade and beyond who likes to sing. The choir rehearses from 10:35-11:15am on Sundays in the Choir Room, and sings at worship about once a month, and for important worship celebrations. Rehearsals run weekly, September – May. All singers welcome!



Hand Bell Ensemble

The First Lutheran Hand Bell Ensemble invites you to come ring with them this year! Rehearsals are 4:15-5pm on Tuesdays rehearsing from September – May. The group is geared for ages 12 through adult, and all ability levels are welcome!



Worship Team

Worship Team is a dynamic multi-instrumental and singing group. They rehearse from 6-7:15pm on Thursdays in the Sanctuary. Rehearsals run weekly, September – May. All instrumentalists and vocalists are welcome!



Amy Hartsough
Director of Music  / 608.752.7434